Have more cards than people to send to?!? You can, of course, inquire in your local community... think nursing homes, children's hospitals, support groups, etc., but there some places that are working hard nationally to distribute handmade cards, sometimes even across the world! Each of them has restrictions/requirements, so make sure you read the information before sending, so your efforts are not in vain! And don't be hard on yourself thinking your cards are not good enough! It's not about about perfection, but the power of the love put into that card has to lift someone's spirits. Listen to this podcast with the founder of one of these organization to be inspired! Also, some organizations accept craft supply donations, so keep that in mind when you do a de-stash! Happy cardmaking and making the world a better place!
Brighten A Day
Bringing smiles to seniors, children in the hospital, frontline workers and others, distributing a multitude of items, including cards with a positive, creative message.
Bring Smiles to Seniors
The founder established this program in honor of his grandmother, after noticing that many elderly residents in her nursing home did not have any visitors, and many did not receive gifts or cards from anyone. Established in Florida in 2016, it has grown to support seniors in nursing homes and assisted & independent living communities, as well as those that are homebound or participating in elderly nutrition programs across the country.
Card Care Connection
Devoted to enriching the lives of those affected by cancer, working with hospitals, hospices, senior agencies, nursing homes, and individuals to identify potential recipients of upbeat blank handmade multilayered paper crafting cards.
Cards for Cubs
Bearly Art's national crafting event held annually in the spring. They work with foster care agencies across the United States to help distribute cards to kids that feel forgotten by the world. The average age for a child in foster care is 8 years old and will stay in care for around a year. Look for the event to begin in February with the goal to deliver cards by May for Foster Care Awareness Month.
Cards for Hospitalized Kids
Distributing cards to children's hospitals across the United States in all 50 states, as well as Ronald McDonald Houses.
Cards for Kindness
Scrapbook.com's global initiative to get handmade cards to people who are in need of an emotional boost, a smile, or a helping hand.
Cards for Soldiers
A one-woman operation which started to support her husband's troops deployed to the Middle East, with the mission to send handmade, blank cards and signed Christmas, Thank You, and Get Well Cards to deployed units or service members overseas for the soldiers to use to write to family and friends. They also accept signed cards, and cards for their local Veterans Administration hospital.
Cardz for Kidz
Dedicated to uplifting spirits across the globe by delivering inspiring handmade cards, it started by donating homemade cards to kids in one hospital in one city, and has now expanded to sending handmade cards to disheartened children and solemn seniors around the world.
Send A Smile Today
Letting cancer patients know they are never alone by regularly mailing uplifting greeting cards: from time of cancer diagnosis – through treatment – to survivorship. Cards are mailed monthly to anyone of any age with any type of cancer in the United States.
This list is not all inclusive. Please contact me if you have a cause that accepts donations of handmade cards and/or craft supplies.
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